7 reasons to invest time in crop rotation

Silver Bohl
Monday, August 3, 2020
Crop rotation is one of the oldest methods used in farming. Today combined with modern technologies, is capable of producing even more substantial yield. Implementation of crop rotation means that the same crop is not cultivated on the same field for several consecutive years, however, monoculture cultivation is not practised. For the purposes of this article, we look at the 7 benefits that the right effect of plants has on the farm. In this article we will look at 7 benefits that crop rotation can give to your farm.
Based on field and farm trials it is considered that yield rise by 10-25% compared to growing monocultures, as the negative effects of growing the same crop over several seasons are limited.

1. Improve soil properties
One of the benefit of crop rotation is increase soil organic content, better soil structure and nutrients balance. Different crops consume different combinations and types of nutrients, so if the crop rotation is properly carried out, not all elements are exhausted on a seasonal basis. Legumes, for example, tend to restore nitrogen levels in soil, which, in turn, will require wheat cultivation next season. In this way, you have the opportunity to improve soil health and to reduce the use of additional additional artificial fertilizer.

2. Reduce soil erosion
Implementation of crop rotation reduces the loss of soil as a result of water erosion, for instance, in places exposed to this risk. Tillage practises such as reduced tillage or no-till (non-ploughing) combined together with crop rotation can limit the soil erosion. For example, including plants in crop rotation that leave most of the plant biomass on top of the soil, protecting it from the effects of external forces.

3. Pest and disease control
Also, pest and disease limitation are one of the benefits of crop rotation. Firstly, in such way happen the interference in the life cycle of pests, and secondly, their normal living environment is being disarranged. For example, inside one biotanical family plants (for examle such as cereals) occur the same pests and diseases; therefore, crop rotation of plants is important to prevent them from spreading. This is a particularly important aspect of organic farming, which limits the use of chemical products.

4. Reduce reliance on chemical products
At the previous point we touched the use of chemicals on the field, namely, the smaller need for chemical products. Well-planned crop rotation reduces the reliance on the functioning of the various pesticides and, in the long term, reduces not only farm costs, but also protects the environment from getting these products into it.

5. Weed control
Crop rotation is also a useful tool for limiting weeds, for instance, the inclusion of cover crops in a crop rotation plan. Weeds reduce the quantity and quality of the cash crop, as well as disrupt the harvesting process. Growing the cover crop for green manure instead of leaving the field bare for some time reduces the risk of weed spreading. Cover crop plants typically reduce germination of weeds and competes with them to reduce population.

6. Reduce risks
Crop rotation also contributes to economical risk reducing. In particular, cultivation of several crops beside reduction of the risk of spreading diseases and pests, the negative effects of improper weather conditions on one cash crop, and the effects of artificial products.

7. Yield and productivity
As we have mentioned, compliance of crop rotation, affecting other factors, contributes indirectly to increased yields and productivity. Crop rotation improves soil properties, which ultimately increases yield as plants get more available nutrients. Moreover, plants not only get better soil conditions, but also in the long run growing is cheaper and more economically effective.
As we have mentioned before – the impact of crop rotation is particularly important for all farmers since the use of various expensive commodities is limited.
Thanks to eAgronom, it is possible to better plan and control crop rotation, as well as to some extent automatically calculate changes in the nutrient content in the soil after each season and economy of production.
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