How to use telematics in eAgronom

Silver Bohl
Thursday, September 22, 2022
eAgronom started as a digitized field diary, but we have grown over the years and will continue to grow. We succeed because we listen to our farmers and if we can help, we will. The reason we are adding telematics data to eAgronom is also that we listen. This is something that farmers have been asking for a while now and now is the time to figure out what is the best possible way to deliver this to the farmers.
This is the first post about telematics and this is happening as we are launching our first version of telematics functionality. As with every new thing these days we start with simple things and based on the feedback we iterate.
At first, we set the focus to get transparency in the fields. Where? Who? What? What is the current snapshot? Our first release will revolve around those questions.

So, what is happening now? To answer this question we use live data. This is what the first release is all about – live data. To use eAgronom telematics solution means the farmer has to have an existing subscription to a telematics service provider. This can be a machinery manufacturer or a third-party GPS tracking solutions provider. We partner with these providers and bring the data to eAgronom platform.
What will you get with the first release?
Multiple telematics providers – Add multiple telematics providers to see all the field data and machine data in one map
Location – Knowing machines’ location is probably one of the main functions
Direction – Is the truck coming or going? Well, now you know.
Tracks data – For visual reference of the progress on the field. Also when a machine is offline you can see where it was in the past 24 hours.
Telematics data – speed, current fuel usage, engine hours
Location detection – The system can tell the farmer which field is being worked on
Mobile – Machines are also visible in mobile app
This is just the beginning of telematics in eAgronom. We will add new provider options in the future and with that, we will start adding new functionality as well.
With all the machinery data in eAgronom, it is possible to start automating some parts of eAgronom to a certain extent. It is possible to have telematics data and task data work side by side. What if recording field activities is effortless and doesn’t require that much data input? What if I make a plan, create tasks, and see that the plan is being followed automatically? Those are the questions to be answered in future blog posts.
Why should I use telematics on my farm and connect the machines to eAgronom?
Mixed fleet, different software
It is a rare case when a farmer only uses one brand of machinery. Usually, there is more than one brand in use, and additionally, maybe some older machinery is being tracked using third-party solutions. In a case like this farmers can use the manufacturer’s software and some third-party software to track all the machines and it would be cumbersome for a user to view all the machines at once. You would need 3 different software and probably 3 different monitors and even then it would be difficult to understand the situation.
Our goal with eAgronom telematics is to bring this data under one roof. Farmer can connect all necessary telematics service providers and view all machines on a single map
Fields and machines on the same map
eAgronom users are used to working with fields and although there is a way to add areas or fields to telematics data provider software, it would be difficult to keep that data in sync at all times. So a lot of users have gotten used to managing their fleet in one software and their fields in another.
With eAgronom’s telematics solution we bring field data and fleet data under one roof and it is clear which field and crop a machine is working with.
Proof of work
A lot of communication on a farm is still handled on paper or by just having conversations. This can lead to mistakes and mostly not with bad intentions, mistakes happen.
By having eyes on the fields with telematics at all times the manager can see that the plan that was laid out in the morning is being followed as intended. When somebody deviates from the plan then the manager can act upon it. This can avoid arguments and disputes since there is proof that something was done or wasn’t.
Transparency in daily operations
Imagine a harvesting season and not knowing what’s going on in the fields. This can have dramatic effects on farm yields and financials. Farmers mostly rely on phone calls, walkie-talkies, or fleet management solutions that do not have any field data in them.
The better solution is to have a map where you can see all your fields and all the machines at once. This allows farmers to act proactively to potential problems i.e. delays can be communicated early on.
Actionable data
Some tasks in a field can’t be done too fast, but as a manager how would one know? When fuel levels become low, would it not be nice to know it before the tank runs empty? When you want to have a quick overview of engine hours would you like to make a phone call to a worker or would you rather have an easier way?
eAgronom telematics functionality can currently give out machine speed, fuel levels, and engine hours to have a quick overview every time you view a machine in the system. This will keep you up to date with any upcoming service needs. Another useful usage of this data is identifying training needs. There is a reason why certain tasks require a certain speed or why it’s even important to maintain a certain speed level off the field. Having this insight can help you improve your quality of operations.
Improved communications
When was the last time you made a call to one worker and then to another and then to another and then formulated a plan based on that information and then communicated back to the workers? When something changed then you had to start all over again.
It would be very beneficial to know where people are, formulate a plan, and then communicate it to workers. This can save everybody some time. This is achievable with the eAgronom telematics solution. Combined with a mobile app you can use information from a telematics map to come up with a plan, then delegate tasks to workers and when the app is used, then a phone call will not even be necessary
How to get started?
If you have an existing account with one of our currently supported telematics service providers (John Deere, Navirec) and access to telematics functionality in eAgronom, then have a closer look at how to connect here.
If you don’t have access to telematics functionality in your eAgronom account. Contact your account manager and customer success people to find out what are your options.
Read more about telematics here.
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